Monday 29 May 2017

My Teenagers said "wow mum".....

Renewal Analysis
It's not often I can do something that makes my teenagers go "wow" but I've been pulling together the paperwork for my trainers renewal today.So I thought I would count up the number of trainings and participants since my last renewal in 2014. I got a bit of a shock - I've done 38 trainings in the last 3 years - you can see the break down for Glos (blue), outside of Glos but within SW Region (red) and finally outside of SW Region (grey). When I counted up the number of Leaders who had participated it came to an amazing  677. So even if only a tenth have gone back to their units, and implemented just 1 item they learnt on my training, that's still 67 leaders who have made a positive change.

I've met some amazing leaders on the way but that's why I keep on training.

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