Tuesday 23 May 2017

Module 6 approved!

Yeah I'm so pleased and relieved the Reviewer approved it and signed off the submission sheet at the back which I have now scanned to be entered to my Go! record. I believe the reviewer had read it all - and she gave me some really excellent feedback on training plans and I agree completely. I should have challenged my follow trainers on some of the content on their training plans. I always thought I went to town on the amount of detail I went into on my training plans but the reviewer wants to see even more, so that if I didn't show for the training somebody could literally pick it up and deliver. Whilst I recorded in my reflective diary that I had made changes to my trainings to accommodate for the participants requirements, I hadn't recorded changes on my training plans, which I must do from now on. I had made some notes and I do keep my paper training plans as I have on occasion looked back at them to adapt and amend bits for new trainings, but I hadn't done that on these I submitted for review. I'm really glad I started a reflective diary during the weekend as it allowed me to capture things I might have forgotten afterwards.

Now that we don't do health forms for adult participants at residential events anymore, the reviewer gave me a tip that she does to find out if any of the participants have anything they need to share that is "special about them" I think its a really good idea and I'm going to try it next time.

I did point out that there is considerable duplication in the first 3 tasks but I now understand why that is there and why it has to stay moving forwards. I also like the suggestion of have a module 6 group to meet and discuss on a regular basis.

As I'm also renewing my Trainers qualification this year I intend to take the portfolio to the Trainers Support group at the end of June to discuss. We've recently had new guidance telling us we need to keep relevant aspects of modules 5 & 6 for 3 years to use in our renewal discussions.

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