Saturday 27 May 2017

National Trainers Conference 2017

Sure was a packed weekend but there was an amazing amount to cover:

Safe Space or Safeguarding I did the upskilling to be able to train on Module 3 of the new course. It is a considerable improvement on the current Safe Space in content and delivery. Much more movement and flow to get the messages across - it was stated as 90% facilitation & 10% training required for the delivery. There is going to be an ideas library were trainers can share ideas for delivery so a lot more flexible than the current training.

Membership system looks good and so much more intuitive to use than the current Go! (remember no ! going forward) I think there will still be some who do need training as they will be a bit frightened of the technology. However it looks much more like a normal web based system.

New Programme there wasn't that much more information than we have had already but we did get to see some mock ups of the resources. They are on track and it looks like we will all receive the Rainbows taster pack in July. We were asked to vote on preferred size & cost of badges and there is ongoing discussion on the cost of the new resources. We all got a timeline of the changes and it was evident there are still decisions being made but everything is on course.

Quality Pilot is now up to 400 units testing the syllabus including some trainers the point was made it is still in testing stage and no decision has been made about the pilot yet. People seem positive though.

There was loads of time to ask questions in both Saturday and Sunday sessions. In our Region session we agreed that we wanted a Trainers Region conference in April to look at standardising the delivery of all the new changes. I've got several things to add to my PDP and came away very tired but with a lot of questions. It was good to have a single room and I caught up on some sleep but I don't think the food was as good as 2 years ago.

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