Sunday 11 June 2017

Training Licence Renewed - I hope!

The 3 year renewal comes round so quickly-keeping the PDP up to date is easy; and the training observation - once  you find a training where you created the training plan is simple. The unit observation was easy this time as the DC came to do it - I think she found the brownies of today a bit high maintenance compared to the brownies who would sit and concentrate from a few years ago. The pace of the meeting amazed her - they were quite taken with a game, we are trying to see if it would work on our stall at the Summer fete at the end of the month. In pow wow the brownies suggested some really good adaptations so young Rainbows can play the game on the day.

The renewal is all sent off now, hope I finally get some uniform this time, it will be the first time since 1986 that I've been provided with uniform.

Break down of my trainings, by requestor & module, since my last renewal in 2014

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