Friday 19 May 2017

Module 6 completed!!

It's been tight but I've turned the portfolio around in just 5 days - it's been useful having the google drive because it meant my tutor and reviewer could check out the items for the portfolio as I produced them. However it left me with a bit of a dilemma as to what to do with the paper word module 6; in the end I used that as an index for the paper version. Whilst you are supposed to submit electronically you have to discuss at tutor group and keep the portfolio for 3 years so it looks like you do need a paper copy of the portfolio. We kept best NVQ techniques up and signed & dated Part 4 both bits. It weighs quite a bit so I'm just keen to hand it over to the Reviewer at last.

Bus Stop for Module 6 weekend at Foxlease
Big shout out to Wiltshire North for being a wonderful county to train.

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