Monday 21 February 2011

New resources for a Brownie Programme Training

I've had another day trapped at home, this time waiting for the heating engineer to arrive. I'm training the Brownie guiders at the British Guides in Germany (BGIG) weekend, March 2011, in lovely Lubbecke. I took the opportunity this weekend to get the 3 sessions planned bearing in mind that I know there will be some new guiders working on their Adult Leadership Qualification, as well as experienced Brownie Guiders. So today I have had a resources day and made a bunch of "5 Essentials" book marks complete with little Miss Curious. I find that even experienced guiders don't always remember the "5 E's", so it's good to have an aide memoir to hand-out.
I found a lovely site for producing customised book marks, it's just a shame you can't insert your own image as well as text - but Miss Curious is rather apt in this instance!

I usually use a set of 5 cards that I produce as the guiders call the out the "5 E's", today I have re-made them as black on white with pictures, how did we manage before google images? I remembered the last time I used my current set it was difficult for guiders to read them, I made a classic mistake of black lettering on guide blue card; and this time I'm training Brownie Guiders instead of Guide guiders. Did you spot how cleverly the "5 E's" make the word GUIDE?

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