Friday 25 February 2011

Games with balloons, string, & chalk ....

I'm working on a games booklet as a resource for the training weekend in March, well it was a bribe really to get the numbers for the weekend up, but I don't know how well it worked. The idea is to compile a games activity pack around items found in a guiders bag, in this instance balloons, string and chalk. The aim is that just by using 3 common items, a great number of fun games can be organised as ice breakers or time fillers at short notice. So far I've got pages of balloon games but am short on the string ones and still need to make a start on chalk ones. Whilst searching on the internet it never ceases to amaze me how irresponsible some sites are with their games for example asking children to stand on chairs to bat balloons around! Maybe it's my risk assessment head kicking in.
Now all I need to do is work out how to photocopy it cost effectively and get the copies up to Lubbecke.

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