Tuesday 4 September 2018

New Programme Evaluation 2

Very positive atmosphere this evening - with a few mutterings - "what can't do interest badges on residentials?" It's amazing the difference the room layout makes, going for conference style over theatre works really well for creating a positive atmosphere. This audience wanted to learn and understand.
Good team training with an audience of nearly 60 Leaders, so ideally suited for team training, again raced through the training plan but that was fine as lots of opportunity for questions and to view the resources. Questions around how do to multiple activities in a unit meeting, and why interest badges couldn't be done in unit meetings.
The division provided a shop strictly for the new programme and there was a steady trade going on. My first time in that church and it is a lovely venue.
There was interest in the region publications so worth taking them along, and the giant decision dice!

We both let our presentation pointers run out of power so the lesson is to charge between trainings!

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