Monday 3 September 2018

Just how many hours prep goes into a new programme training?

So what preparation for the first New Programme (non pilot) training have I done, for inset week of training?

A. Completed 5 x e-learning module including following some links to web pages (3 hours)
B. Locate and read 3 times the new Guidance Notes (1 hour)
C. Printing and reading all the resources & handouts for each training but NOT the Training plans themselves as they will need to be edited according to the event (2.5 hours)
D. Locate, print and read transition guidance for each section (1 hour)
E. Understand impact of UMA message e.g not enough available yet! (0.5 hours)
F. Make 2 dice to enforce the decision making Essential (1.5 hours)
G. Reading Autumn 2018 Guiding on holiday (40 mins)
H. Laminating 6 theme cards (20 mins)
I. Scanning all 4 section badge books (2 hours)
J. Start the framework of my own unit planning so I can anticipate leaders questions on the 60%/40% suggestion; and look for opportunities to include decision making & interest badge discussion! (1.5 hours)

Around 14 hours, wow - wonder if my husband has noticed?

Another 2 trainers kindly combined the training plans & powerpoint slides for this week of inset trainings, which has saved me a huge amount of time, and ensures that all leaders in the county are getting the same training delivered this week!

Extract from "Guidance notes on organising and delivering new programme training"

And finally… our top tips for training on the programme!
1. DO ensure that volunteers have completed the Girlguiding programme overview module before the training, or you start with this – it will give your participants a basic knowledge of the whole programme in one go so that they can see how things fit together.
2. DO make sure you have the trainer FAQ handy during your trainings - and remember, if you don’t know the answer to a question, don’t panic – tell the participant you will find out by e-mailing
3. DO ensure that when you edit the resources you keep the key messages and branding in line with our guidance.
4. DO feel assured that you don’t have to edit the resources. You can pick up and go as long as the modules meet your training requirements/the needs of the training participants.
5. DO ensure that if you edit the resources that you please share your good ideas with us via so we can include the best ideas in future iterations of the training resources. We love feedback.
6. DO keep programme trainings cross-sectional as far as possible to reflect the nature of the programme itself.
7. DO facilitate discussion amongst participants; you don’t need to be the expert in the room. We are all learning this together.
8. DO ask participants to “do something” wherever possible to help them engage with the training.
9. DO be enthusiastic – our programme is at the heart of what we do and makes our wonderful organisation unique and inspiring to girls and young women!
10. DO ask for feedback from your participants so we all know they are getting what they need.

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