Wednesday 12 September 2018

Brownies verdict on the new pogramme.

Those who really matter - the brownies, got to see the new programme and it was really well received. We looked at the 6 themes then played ladders in an attempt to wear them out. They were excited about the badges with some ums & ahs. We've decided that each leader is going to do an interest badge and present it using 1 or 2 of the 105 different ways suggested, to the brownies so they can see just what is possible. We used the giant dice to select a Unit Meeting Activity, UMA, each girl selected one UMA after their throw and summarised it for the other brownies. We  then took a vote on the ones picked and the first aid and strike a match were chosen with a vote of hands; so we will do both of these at the next meeting. Some of the girls did struggle with the child friendly language "ex-am-ined" did provide an issue in a few of the UMA's.
First night back so the girls were chatty so didn't get to talk about Skills builders; that's for next week!
All in all a very positive reception.

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