Tuesday 18 September 2018

Thinking Day 2019

WTD 19 activity pack cover - ENFor the wannabe time traveller, looks really good, spot the 6 WAGGGS themes - is there a trend developing here? The 2019 badge makes a shape with the 2020 & 2021 badges; so you will just have to do all 3. This looks really good so much to fit into the programme these days that there is no excuse for a balanced and varied programme.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Brownies verdict on the new pogramme.

Those who really matter - the brownies, got to see the new programme and it was really well received. We looked at the 6 themes then played ladders in an attempt to wear them out. They were excited about the badges with some ums & ahs. We've decided that each leader is going to do an interest badge and present it using 1 or 2 of the 105 different ways suggested, to the brownies so they can see just what is possible. We used the giant dice to select a Unit Meeting Activity, UMA, each girl selected one UMA after their throw and summarised it for the other brownies. We  then took a vote on the ones picked and the first aid and strike a match were chosen with a vote of hands; so we will do both of these at the next meeting. Some of the girls did struggle with the child friendly language "ex-am-ined" did provide an issue in a few of the UMA's.
First night back so the girls were chatty so didn't get to talk about Skills builders; that's for next week!
All in all a very positive reception.

Wednesday 5 September 2018

New Programme Evaluation 3

Yet again a fantastic turn out with around 50 Leaders who were in the main positive about the new programme - excellent to see so many future leaders in this particular audience. We had to wait for marshal arts to finish so we opted for theatre style in the end to aid the speed of set up. I think this impacted on how quickly discussion got going - slightly slower than the night before but in many ways more positive overall. It is interesting that the more times you deliver a plan the quicker you do it but that was effective as it provided more space for discussion. Lots of interest in looking at the resources and the interest badges, but what really came across was the overall will to give it a go in the new school year. More questions about the transition rules for this year. Also some really positive feedback on the webinar trainings which continue throughout the term.

Tuesday 4 September 2018

New Programme Evaluation 2

Very positive atmosphere this evening - with a few mutterings - "what can't do interest badges on residentials?" It's amazing the difference the room layout makes, going for conference style over theatre works really well for creating a positive atmosphere. This audience wanted to learn and understand.
Good team training with an audience of nearly 60 Leaders, so ideally suited for team training, again raced through the training plan but that was fine as lots of opportunity for questions and to view the resources. Questions around how do to multiple activities in a unit meeting, and why interest badges couldn't be done in unit meetings.
The division provided a shop strictly for the new programme and there was a steady trade going on. My first time in that church and it is a lovely venue.
There was interest in the region publications so worth taking them along, and the giant decision dice!

We both let our presentation pointers run out of power so the lesson is to charge between trainings!

Monday 3 September 2018

New Programme Evaluation 1

As usual it was a case of the leaders in the room had done the e-learning, read Guiding, bought the resources, booked onto County Day and knew what they are doing. It was a case of they wanted to shoot the message bearer in a nice way!

I was working to a combined programme overview & programme planning training plan which I whipped through as they had obviously done their homework. Leaving them time at the end to check out the full range of UMA's & Skills Builders & some sample badges. The words l heard a lot of were "like school" and "assessing the girl to the right stage" and of course comparison with Scouts. We debated the photocopy question and I put the official line, but I heard their wishes loud and clear. There is mixed feeling about the cost of the badge books, and I talked about the national & county hardship grants and other ways to fund the resources. One Leader was very concerned that the "Becoming a brownie" book with the brownie story is going after the transition year! There was also concern raised for those leaders who are not IT literate and we talked about other sources of support.

I had to draw on all the Being our Best research that I didn't have with me, to justify why the change, and quote the figures that the new programme has been tried and tested; and not just thought up by CHQ staff. I think maybe this element has been missed from the training plans, and wish I had time before tomorrow's training to dig up some old trainings for the content as I suspect I'm going to get the same or similar reception tomorrow.

One interesting aspect was from a Trefoil Guild member (thought they were going to get some training on the new programme?) who does a lot of work with units on guiding history and felt the UMA was going to make her contribution unnecessary as the UMA card covered it all!

It's a really hard test putting the official GG line when you agree with some of the things being said but as Trainers we have to!

Just how many hours prep goes into a new programme training?

So what preparation for the first New Programme (non pilot) training have I done, for inset week of training?

A. Completed 5 x e-learning module including following some links to web pages (3 hours)
B. Locate and read 3 times the new Guidance Notes (1 hour)
C. Printing and reading all the resources & handouts for each training but NOT the Training plans themselves as they will need to be edited according to the event (2.5 hours)
D. Locate, print and read transition guidance for each section (1 hour)
E. Understand impact of UMA message e.g not enough available yet! (0.5 hours)
F. Make 2 dice to enforce the decision making Essential (1.5 hours)
G. Reading Autumn 2018 Guiding on holiday (40 mins)
H. Laminating 6 theme cards (20 mins)
I. Scanning all 4 section badge books (2 hours)
J. Start the framework of my own unit planning so I can anticipate leaders questions on the 60%/40% suggestion; and look for opportunities to include decision making & interest badge discussion! (1.5 hours)

Around 14 hours, wow - wonder if my husband has noticed?

Another 2 trainers kindly combined the training plans & powerpoint slides for this week of inset trainings, which has saved me a huge amount of time, and ensures that all leaders in the county are getting the same training delivered this week!

Extract from "Guidance notes on organising and delivering new programme training"

And finally… our top tips for training on the programme!
1. DO ensure that volunteers have completed the Girlguiding programme overview module before the training, or you start with this – it will give your participants a basic knowledge of the whole programme in one go so that they can see how things fit together.
2. DO make sure you have the trainer FAQ handy during your trainings - and remember, if you don’t know the answer to a question, don’t panic – tell the participant you will find out by e-mailing ourjourney@girlguiding.org.uk.
3. DO ensure that when you edit the resources you keep the key messages and branding in line with our guidance.
4. DO feel assured that you don’t have to edit the resources. You can pick up and go as long as the modules meet your training requirements/the needs of the training participants.
5. DO ensure that if you edit the resources that you please share your good ideas with us via leadership@girlguiding.org.uk so we can include the best ideas in future iterations of the training resources. We love feedback.
6. DO keep programme trainings cross-sectional as far as possible to reflect the nature of the programme itself.
7. DO facilitate discussion amongst participants; you don’t need to be the expert in the room. We are all learning this together.
8. DO ask participants to “do something” wherever possible to help them engage with the training.
9. DO be enthusiastic – our programme is at the heart of what we do and makes our wonderful organisation unique and inspiring to girls and young women!
10. DO ask for feedback from your participants so we all know they are getting what they need.

Sunday 2 September 2018

Six themes decision making dice

Have I earned an "I've been creative badge" especially as its my wedding anniversary today? The first attempt in paper was a disaster, so in an attempt to make it more sturdy I laminated each side first and  then got my glue gun out! It's fairly robust but don't know how many throws it will take by my brownies (so I made 2) - but I guess as long as it does the trick, and helps them get to grips with the new themes, then its been worth it!

We all received a card template version of the die with the latest Guiding magazine (Autumn 18) but the template is available  to print off the GG website. Be aware you can still feel the heat of the hot glue through the laminated card; and the hardest part was closing the lid on the die with 3 sticky tabs to fold in. In a while I will go back and trim any sharp edges with scissors where one side sticks over another.

There is a badge drive activity on page 65 of Guiding - which is aimed at Guides & Senior section, but I'm going to adapt for my brownies. Hopefully one of the die will last long enough to show at forthcoming new programme trainings!