Saturday 14 November 2015

What do I carry in my training bag?

So just what is standard equipment for a Girl Guide Trainer?

  • Blu tak
  • Pens flip chart & white board with a rubber
  • Mini first aid kit
  • Mobile phone
  • Camera
  • Roll of sticky labels
  • 540 coloured dots for sorting Leaders into groups & ice breakers!
  • Sharp scissors
  • Post its
  • GG UK Lanyard
  • A set of blank Training Feedback forms just in case the organiser forgets or runs short.
  • Expenses claim form!
GG Resources:
  • The Guiding Handbook
  • Guidance notes for leaders Brownie & Guide sections
  • Good Guiding is ...... notes inc. guiding conversation and a laminated flower with 10 petals
  • Being Prepared and blank Risk Assessment forms
  • Participation on a plate guide
  • "Being our Best" booklet, guiding conversation and Access & Excellence checklists
  • Latest edition of Guiding magazine
  • Latest Adventure Made Easy guide
  • Some Trainer Self-evaluation forms - always best to capture reflections asap after a training
  • My current Trainers Development Plan in case anything occurs that I want to add by hand
Home Made Training Resources:
  • 5 Essential cards with a memorable picture for each Essential
  • 5 Guide Zone cards
  • Sets of Red, Amber, Green voting cards Leaders can use to participate in voting during a training e.g about a resource or game
  • One set of numbered stand up cards to prioritise activities e.g in a circuit training event or to establish the order for activities to be undertaken. 
Obviously materials related to the subject of the training and yes my bag is heavy, but at least I know I can respond flexibly and knowledgeably. Also means that if the brief for the session wasn't the same as the Leaders were expecting, there is the opportunity to be flexible and meet their needs. Of course the training organiser always gives the correct brief!

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