Saturday 7 November 2015

Inset training week and Girls Matter publication

Newest GG UK publication and cloth badge below
 The week before half term and Gloucestershire adopted the idea of an inset training week - instead of unit meetings all Leaders were expected to participate in a Leader training. Trainings were organised all over the County focussing on those areas who don't normally get the opportunity to a host a training. There were a number of other training topics but predominantly the week focussed on the new resource - which had a rather mixed response. The best being from a history teacher who is going to build some aspects into her teaching, the general conclusion being that it was something to dip in and out of to launch other activities e.g GFI's!

I was doing the Guide Section training on both my nights and got very different reactions in both of the venues. We had been given a common training plan to use on the pretext that some delivering the trainings weren't trainers. I amended the training plan to include Good Guiding is ..... as a way to feed back on the ice breaker and also added in other resources principally GFI's! and South West region publications.  Nobody envisaged working on the resource beginning to end, but there was good conversation on how to use it. I did self evaluation forms from both my trainings as there are some wider conversations to be had especially on the first evening. I covered a huge number of miles in the week over 80 miles and I was really tired come the end of the week. I want one of the fold flat cardboard flip charts as they are really useful! Hope next year I get a venue a bit nearer to home.     

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