Tuesday 17 November 2015

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

If you're stuck for ways to say thank you see if you can adapt from Karen Owens writing for the girls scouts of central Maryland http://gscm.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Thank-You-Thank-You-Thank-You-.pdf. This is an extract from pages 12 & 14 Check out item no.25:

Here are 101 possibilities for recognizing volunteers. The blank 102 is for the beginning of your own list. It is important to remember that recognition is not so much something you do as it is something you are. It is a sensitivity to others as people, not a way of getting something done.
1. Smile

2. Put up a volunteer suggestion box.

3. Treat them to a soda.

4. A citation at an appropriate meeting.

5. Ask them for a report.

6. Send a birthday card.

7. Arrange for a discount.

8. Serve coffee and donuts for the volunteers.

9. Present a framed photo of an event.

10. Plan annual ceremonial occasions.

11. Invite them to a special meeting.

12. Recognize personal needs and problems.

13. Accommodate personal needs and problems.

14. Be pleasant.

15. Use them as a resource in an emergency situation.

16. Provide a babysitter.

17. Post an Honor Roll.

18. Respect their wishes

19. Give them an informal tea.

20. Keep challenging them.

21. Send a Thanksgiving Day card to the volunteer’s family.

22. Provide a nursery.

23. Say "Good Morning."

24. Greet volunteers by name.

25. Provide good training.

26. Help develop self-confidence.

27. Award plaques to sponsoring group.

28. Take time to explain items fully.

29. Be verbal.

30. Ask VIP’s to converse with them.

31. Hold chat sessions.

32. Give them additional responsibility.
33. Invite them to participate in team planning.
34. Respect sensitivities.
35. Enable them to grow on the job.
36. Enable them to grow out of the job.
37. Send newsworthy information to the media about your volunteers.
38. Display photos in the community.
39. Present a corsage.
40. Say "Good Afternoon."
41. Create pleasant surroundings.
42. Honor their preference.
43. Invite them to coffee.
44. Enlist them to train other volunteers.
45. Have a public reception.
46. Take time to talk to them.
47. Babysit so they may go to dinner.
48. Make good plans.
49. Commend them to other people.
50. Send a valentine.
51. Make thorough pre-arrangements.
52. Illustrate how to equate volunteer experience with work experience.
53. Include on a special committee.
54. Recommend to prospective employer.
55. Provide scholarships to conferences or workshops.
56. Offer them advocacy roles.
57. Utilize them as consultants.
58. Write thank you notes.
59. Invite them to participate in goal formulation.
60. Surprise them with coffee and cake.
61. Celebrate outstanding projects and achievements.
62. Nominate them for awards.
63. Commend their work to their employer.
64. Carefully match volunteers to the job.
65. Praise them to their friends.
66. Provide substantive training.
67. Provide useful tools.
68. Say "Good Night."
69. Plan staff and volunteer social events.
70. Be a real person.
71. Give a Girl Scout gift item.
72. Accept their individuality.
73. Provide opportunities for conferences and evaluations.
74. Have the girls write a letter.
75. Maintain meaningful files.
76. Send impromptu fun cards.
77. Write a personal letter.
78. Utilize purchased newspaper space.
79. Give official Girl Scout recognitions.
80. Promote a "Volunteer of the Month" program.
81. Send a letter of appreciation to their family.
82. Plan a "Recognition Edition" of a newsletter.
83. Color code name tags to indicate particular achievements (hours, years).
84. Send commendatory letter to prominent public figures.
85. Say "We’ve missed you."
86. Give them a swap.
87. Promote staff smiles.
88. Facilitate personal maturation.
89. Distinguish between groups and individuals in the group.
90. Maintain safe working conditions.
91. Adequately orient the volunteer.
92. Award special citations for extraordinary achievements.
93. Be sure that they understand and are committed to the mission of Girl Scouting –to serve girls.
94. Send a holiday card.
95. Be familiar with the details of the assignments.
96. Conduct a community wide, cooperative recognition event.
97. Plan a theater party.
98. Do something just for fun and invite their family.
99. Have a picnic.
100. Say "Thank you."
101. Just smile

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