Saturday 28 November 2015

Secret Santa the USA way!

I decided to organise an after dinner game for our District Xmas meal but with a bit of a twist. I printed 12 challenges from the internet and bound them into books - see picture below. I wrapped them in Xmas gift wrap and numbered them 1-12. The USA twist as I explained to the leaders was that if a leader didn't like her "gift" she could then steal another Leaders "gift" making them take the one she had just opened. The very first Leader was allowed to steal at the very end of the secret santa. The game was really well received and caused a lot of excitement - the chocolate challenge was being held onto no matter what, and the Anglia Bake off changed hands several times!

We ended up with a conversation on adapting resources and how to use with official GG UK resources as part of Good Guiding is ......... The Leaders have agreed that at the February District meeting they will come back with a book review on how they have used (or not as the case may be)and I have a small gift for the best one - my decision is final! It was really good to see the Leaders so excited as they left the pub clutching their secret santa gift. Now my idea for next year is .......

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