Sunday 6 October 2019

Safe Space Levels 1 & 2 reflection

Yesterday was my home County Training Day I was only expecting 2 leaders, but had 4, then the final number raised to 6 by the time we started. Boosted by the first trickle of leaders who are starting to renew, and trainers who dropped out at the last minute resulting in the re-distribution of leaders; resulted in a quick last minute move of tables. So all the preparation wasn't in vein, I did the following:
  • Made new Volunteer Code of conduct cards to include the new clause about delivering the programme and extra line about sources of support to talk too.
  • Shredded about a 5th of the powerpoint slides and corrected the facts in 2 of them and the grammar and punctuation in several others, some of  the slides were repeats whereas others had content duplicated .
  • Ordered some 2019 pocket guides & new Region All inclusive leaflet for handing out.
  • Laminated the Level 1 & 2 resources to use for the 6 activities I decided upon.
  • Annotated the combined Levels 1 & 2 training plan.
  •  Printed certificates, and by mistake I ended up with 6! 
Initially the projector said it was password protected, but with the help of another trainer that was soon overcome. There was loads of opportunity for creating Safe Spaces in the programme, via UMA's & Skills Builders. There were 6 activities to do in 2 hours 15 mins, so it did feel a bit of a sprint, I didn't bother with blu-tak but used the empty desks to best advantage, it would have been impossible with a large group to put the resources up and down on the walls.  I had to curtail discussion on a few occasions, but when we reviewed objectives at the end the creating safe space aim did appear to have been achieved. There was lots of sharing going on assisted by one of our Region Safe-Guarding Leads. The risk assessment writing was well under way as the Leaders worked in pairs to generate ideas with. I managed to get in a number of other resources including the DYB Poster and checklists & the Girls Attitude Survey, all captured on the photo below.

The guides who escorted me to my room, and took my break drink order were amazingly helpful and I was very grateful for their help. I must have been asked about 12 times if I wanted a drink!

Stickers at the ready for the target activity 

All thee other resources that got a mention during the training.


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