Monday 7 October 2019

Risk Assessments - how easy?

Ignore the background collage and concentrate on the micro learning

 My afternoon session was to help Leaders with Risk Assessments, which was one of  the topics that came up frm Inset Week. I had a go at mirco-learning to capture the steps involved in producting a risk assessment. I recycled the penants from a Guide activity a few years ago, and pinched the idea of the LED lights (with 10 pegs) from another trainer using it for an ice-breaker. The 10 pegs are the absolute maximum I would have said for micro-learning. They are £4 from Tiger in a variety of colours.
I had a steady stream of Leaders asking questions about risk assessments a few did have a go at compiling one using the Level 2 ASS training pictures. Being Prepared wasn't widely known about, and was the most photographed item on the stall. Nearly all the Leaders who took the DYB Safety checklist test had at least 1 activity to follow up on. The most common being the safety risk assessment on the meeting place.
I had a steady stream of visitors. I was sharing the room with a stand on REN forms for commissioners, and in some way the topics were linked. Although unfortunately I had to compete with the classroom collage for my micro-learning. That stall had chocolates and I only had mints - lessons learned.

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