Tuesday 5 September 2017

Impact Report 2015

I like visiting the Guide shop at Commonwealth HQ on Buckingham Palace Road - they even opened a minute before 9am for me on Saturday morning so I could get work on time. I especially like checking the leaflets on the coffee table as you sometimes see things aimed at press and publicity that doesn't get sent out to Leaders or Trainers. This time I struck lucky I picked up a copy of the A4 colour Being our Best brochure that has been a nightmare to print off the website - I've used a loan copy for a number of activities and ice breakers already.

I also found something called Impact Report 2015, which I've never seen before. It includes some really useful quotes called voices or our members and the other half looks like a traditional annual report under the heading of the difference we've made. Page 10 talks about the national trainers conference in 2015;

 "Our Trainers' conference in Staffordshire was attended by 300 hard-working, committed and passionate Trainers from across the UK. The conference provides Trainers with the confidence to deliver expert training to volunteers - so our volunteers can then deliver a 21st century programme of activities to girls, as well as a guiding experience that's of the very best quality."

They are talking about us!

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