Sunday 5 June 2016

Pacechangers, Icebreakers & Energisers

I had to dig this out this week for a colleague - it was originally compiled by the Midlands Trainer Support Group back in 2003 but I have dipped in and out many times over the years. The ones that go down the best are the sweets ones "Yes and No" (p11) and "Smarties" (p17). I recently promoted at my Trainers Support Group and at the next meeting a former Midlands trainer turned up with some to sell so they are still around. I paid £2.50, and yes you probably could trawl up a lot of these ideas on the internet but it is useful to have them all in one place so you can dip in and out. I've made some notes on the inside cover as to how to adapt one of the most popular ones.


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