Sunday 29 May 2016

Should we be training on overcoming Uncoscious Bias?

Unconscious Bias shows that we all tend to favour those that look, think and behave like ourselves. This week I had the opportunity to attend a course looking at these micro behaviours that certainly provided me with food for thought. Research shows there are an equal number of unconscious bias instances (even just a more vigorous greeting to one colleague over another) that occur as those classed as more explicit discrimination - which is amazing.

The trainer suggested in order to counter unconscious bias we all have to identify & question our own bias. The key is to identify things you have in common then value the difference between you and the other individual. The rest of the advice was stock training techniques e.g active listening, positive body language, eye contact, and acknowledging participants input and build on their ideas.

Can you recognise any unconscious bias in your trainings, mentoring or tutoring?

Interesting that increasingly trainings I attend have learning outcomes rather than objectives - it provides a good opportunity to observe other trainers at work. In this instance I would say there was maybe a bit too much humour. However I got the message of the training and it was enjoyable.

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