Tuesday 16 July 2019

Trainers Resources Doing our Best

The Trainer resources for delivering Doing our Best standards have landed at last. There is a pdf  format available but they come as a zipped file including a folder of icons.

The main resource is 67 pages, page 5-25 are Leader Activities - 7 in total, that draw on the worksheets later in the resource.

Pages 26 - 41 are 6 Commissioner activities.

The resource is designed as pick and mix, where activities can be borrowed to insert into other training plans to illustrate the Doing our Best checklists. There is more comments than we have previously seen on provided Training Plans.

Pages 42 - 61 are a series of worksheets that relate to the above activities.

Pages 62 & 63 is a take home sheet with URL's for all the resources and an Action Plan template, which is identical to the one in the Guiding Conversation, but much nicer, and less heavy on printer ink!

Pages 64-67 are FAQ's to explain  the background to Doing our Best standards, the FAQs will be updated over time.

The third file is a 21 page powerpoint that can be adapted, and draws on the iconology from the Doing our Best poster.

The Guiding Conversation is also now available but in a slightly different format to previous ones. It includes an ice-breaker & 3 activities to get discussion going and the final page is a more basic  Action plan template.

NB When printing any of the above, there is a mix of portrait and landscape pages, so make sure you set the printer accordingly!

I'm surprised at some of the activities, after the message writ large at the National Trainers conference about micro learning and blended learning, these activities feel a bit more traditional and time consuming than I was expecting. There is no date or version control on the resource which I think is a big step backwards but there is a date on the Conversation.

I'm going to produce a training plan next looking at the new programme one year on, and see how I can best fit in a Checklist or 2 activity and report back on how it works.

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