Monday 8 July 2019

Participation on a Plate revised

We've waited a while for an update on this resource which aims to assist Leaders in providing girl-led guiding and decision making. It's been around since 2013, the new version attempts to be inclusive & takes account of the new programme with lots of references to UMA's, as well as the Doing our Best Poster and Checklists. Sections include:
  • Making decisions
  • Coming up with activity ideas - aimed at programme planning to help the girls choose
  • Girls leading themselves
  • Evaluation
  • Outside the unit - aimed at Commissioners, Advisers or Event Coordinator
Lovely to see tools like Survey Monkey, and Doodle getting a mention as part of girl led guiding, even if it does appear to be at the more mature end of the guiding family!

I particularly like the Top tips for girl-led guiding from leaders on page 10:
  • Be persistent
  • Try new things
  • Trust in the girls
  • Set ground rules
  • Connect
  • Influence
  • Explain
  • Show 
Appendix 2 gives tips for running focus groups on page 12.

The updated version can be found here: 
All leaders should have a copy available to remind them its the girls, no matter what the age, who choose the programme.

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