Tuesday 16 July 2019

Trainers Resources Doing our Best

The Trainer resources for delivering Doing our Best standards have landed at last. There is a pdf  format available but they come as a zipped file including a folder of icons.

The main resource is 67 pages, page 5-25 are Leader Activities - 7 in total, that draw on the worksheets later in the resource.

Pages 26 - 41 are 6 Commissioner activities.

The resource is designed as pick and mix, where activities can be borrowed to insert into other training plans to illustrate the Doing our Best checklists. There is more comments than we have previously seen on provided Training Plans.

Pages 42 - 61 are a series of worksheets that relate to the above activities.

Pages 62 & 63 is a take home sheet with URL's for all the resources and an Action Plan template, which is identical to the one in the Guiding Conversation, but much nicer, and less heavy on printer ink!

Pages 64-67 are FAQ's to explain  the background to Doing our Best standards, the FAQs will be updated over time.

The third file is a 21 page powerpoint that can be adapted, and draws on the iconology from the Doing our Best poster.

The Guiding Conversation is also now available but in a slightly different format to previous ones. It includes an ice-breaker & 3 activities to get discussion going and the final page is a more basic  Action plan template.

NB When printing any of the above, there is a mix of portrait and landscape pages, so make sure you set the printer accordingly!

I'm surprised at some of the activities, after the message writ large at the National Trainers conference about micro learning and blended learning, these activities feel a bit more traditional and time consuming than I was expecting. There is no date or version control on the resource which I think is a big step backwards but there is a date on the Conversation.

I'm going to produce a training plan next looking at the new programme one year on, and see how I can best fit in a Checklist or 2 activity and report back on how it works.

Icons to represent the Five Essentials after all these years!

Sunday 14 July 2019

Strategy 2020-2025 Please complete the survey.

Please take the time to do this survey - look out for the question about boys, and what you are willing to contribute outside of  unit meetings.....

Dear Pauline,

We’ve been busy developing a new strategy for 2020-2025. Lots of you have fed into this already through the strategy unit meeting activity, surveys, focus groups and events. Thank you for all your input so far – now’s the time to review where we’ve got to.

Our strategy will be a picture of the future Girlguiding we want to see, and how we’ll get there. We’ve used all your feedback, insights and our own research to create a draft strategy. We want to see how well the draft ideas sit with your thinking.
Take the survey
Have your say by completing this survey, which is also on the website, until 29 July.

We’ll be reviewing the results over the summer and we’ll report back to you in the autumn.

Tomorrow we'll send the survey to parents so they can tell us their thoughts too.
Thank you for taking part,

Best wishes,

Strategy 2020+ team

Trainers Conference 2019: "52 cards of Limitless Learning"

It was said at the conference that this is a new product, there is a website with some basic information here: https://imaginocity.co.uk/product/cognitize-card-game/ where you can find a video from Scott Leiper explaining the concept. This is the company's first product. I agree I can see how these could be of value in Girlguiding learning as well as a host of other learning environments. The website states the cards are out of stock but I suspect they are not yet available. Depending on the price which doesn't appear to be available yet I would consider buying the product. The description is given as below.
COGNITIZE is a people development focused card game that creates limitless opportunities for players to transfer their learning into cohesive action.
Boost the retention of learning of one person by sharing it with others so that they too can benefit.
COGNITIZE can be used for multiple learning opportunities. Maybe it’s a continuation of the discussions outside a learning event with your team or a colleague. Perhaps it’s a tool for a team away day, or even some quick-fire fun to boost learning. Whatever your choice the possibilities and opportunities are limitless.
A LEARN to stretch your own or others development.
A SHARE opportunity to development someone else.
A GROW personal development video bonus boost that further enhances the card theme.
A REPEAT cycle to encourage players to share learning forward multiple times.
The cards are broken down into six categories of which Connect, Ignite, Engage, Enable, Empower, having nine cards and the Joker category having seven.

Thursday 11 July 2019

Trainers Support Groups

Travelled to Cricklade to attend the annual tri county trainers support group. We were a small select group with all 3 counties represented including 2 prospective trainers. The date provided us with the opportunity to share the output from the National Trainers Conference with some leaders who hadn't attended, and to hear how those who had been there, felt about it. We covered a lot of ground including:
  • Mentoring training
  •  Programme Training a year on
  •  Impact of local by-laws on Training
  •  Safe Space Training
  •  Start-up Kit which can be ordered by trainers to show at trainings order here: https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/making-guiding-happen/running-your-unit/starting-a-new-unit/unit-start-up-kit/
  •  Inclusive unit timeline cards which are being revised.
I was most impressed by Wiltshire North's new training booklet which they have launched in the last 3 weeks. It's an A5 paper booklet with spaces for leaders to record their trainings attended, e-learning counts, and the inside cover gives the points value for each type of training. Points mean badges. Fabulous idea and been really well received by Leaders who are distraught that not everyone has been issued with one yet. There is no e-version (yet), this is the 3rd county I have seen this approach and for the cost of a badge run it seems to be proving effective in encouraging leaders to get to trainings.

First time I cooked my own steak at the table!  

Monday 8 July 2019

Participation on a Plate revised

We've waited a while for an update on this resource which aims to assist Leaders in providing girl-led guiding and decision making. It's been around since 2013, the new version attempts to be inclusive & takes account of the new programme with lots of references to UMA's, as well as the Doing our Best Poster and Checklists. Sections include:
  • Making decisions
  • Coming up with activity ideas - aimed at programme planning to help the girls choose
  • Girls leading themselves
  • Evaluation
  • Outside the unit - aimed at Commissioners, Advisers or Event Coordinator
Lovely to see tools like Survey Monkey, and Doodle getting a mention as part of girl led guiding, even if it does appear to be at the more mature end of the guiding family!

I particularly like the Top tips for girl-led guiding from leaders on page 10:
  • Be persistent
  • Try new things
  • Trust in the girls
  • Set ground rules
  • Connect
  • Influence
  • Explain
  • Show 
Appendix 2 gives tips for running focus groups on page 12.

The updated version can be found here: https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/globalassets/docs-and-resources/programme-and-activities/participation-on-a-plate.pdf 
All leaders should have a copy available to remind them its the girls, no matter what the age, who choose the programme.

Conversation Starters

A present for attending the Trainers conference. A double set of cards one is labelled "Common barriers" and provides a suggested response on the back of each card, as in the photograph. The second set are "Conversation starters", in speech bubbles, they suggest opening sentences to get the conversation going on a recruitment related theme. The cards came along with a bag of Lindt chocolate which was delicious. Apart from the obvious use in conversations, they would be a useful resource in growing guiding and recruitment related trainings.