Sunday 6 January 2019

Evaluation Safe Space L3 (revised)

I did discover a new risk to add to my risk assessment and that is the M5 being closed - it was really eerie being on a completely empty motorway yesterday morning. I think I must have joined just as they closed it above our junction, luckily I had built a lot of time into set up so it was ok, but glad I wasn't diverted down the A38.

I had 20 leaders in the morning and only 10 in the afternoon. The quality of the discussion was much richer, I think  partly, because of three disclosures being made, but also because the new revised slides brought more detail to the discussion. Contributions included a nurse with experience of FGM, and 2 leaders with non-guiding disclosures from a long time ago. Fortunately both had had very positive legal outcomes and this provided a good rationale for why the training was necessary. Also had a leader who needed to use the quiet room at the break.

I'm going to cull even more slides now as the more detailed ones mean I'm summing up with the material from the later slides before I get to them (I know some of the content so well by now I don't need the slides). I'm also getting  a bit more of the content into the facilitation of the exercise's so it feels less stilted.

I had a leader in the afternoon who clearly didn't want to be there so I made a point of drawing her into discussion and fortunately her mate was engaged. I fixed it so they got the EastEnders type scenario, and as I suspected that provided the opportunity to discuss how things should be handled regardless of what you may want to do!

The pm group who were mainly from outside Bristol had been told it was a 2.5 hour training with the last 30 mins on the follow up conversation for L2. Obviously that didn't happen but I told them all to go back and ask their DC's about the follow up conversation. Odd it hadn't come up in the morning group.

I thought I would be getting bored of L3 trainings by now having done it so many times, but I think the richness of the Leaders input is adding to the interest for me. Whilst in essence the content is the same each time the end product is shaped very much by the Leaders level of participation. Therefore I'm learning new stuff each time myself. There was a Leader with a connection to women's shelters who was telling everybody about new training that had just been launched called "Ask Me for Abusers" so I'm going to check that out next, as well as do the FGM e-learning.

Level 3 again next month in my own division so haven't even unpacked my bag!      

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