Wednesday 30 January 2019

5 Tips to get started with the new programme

A new Girl Guiding web page has been launched with tips on getting started on the new programme, look under making guiding happen-how we're being our best-discover, grow: updates for members. It's a bit animation heavy!

Tip no 3 is all about getting the girls to do the planning and I couldn't agree more, its adding a new dimension to planning the programme in that we are doing it differently now. The extra effort is going into the back end to record the UMA's & Skills Builders undertaken rather than in the planning stage. The times on both elements of the programme are over estimated, as we are finding so many of the activities the girls have already done at school so they are storming their way through them! Can't wait to buy and try the new UMA's.

The interest badges are working well, the girls are doing them at home, but we're making a really big deal when they do, and getting them to present to the rest of the unit. So far we've seen coin collections, heard counting in French, read a thank you letter from grandparents and flown paper airplanes. This is generating interest amongst the other brownies and keeping the idea of doing a badge at home in their sights.

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