Sunday 4 November 2018

Self Evaluation Safe Space Level 4

This time in Hampshire North - I do like training Commissioners they get nice venues and hot lunches!

Fortunately I left in plenty of time as today it wasn't the IT, but the logistics in the conference room - because it had been split in 2, I was left with a rather thin long room but the projector was projecting up on the ceiling and in order to project down to the screen, I needed a much longer cable to link the projector with my laptop. The extra length cable didn't work with the projector so the only solution was to turn the training 180 degrees and use the drop down projector; and move both the projector and my laptop! All straight forward but needing time - thankfully my VGA adaptor & pointer were both deployed as my laptop was balanced on a chair!

I didn't get the email moving lunch forward an hour but it actually worked really well as it was a better place to break immediately after the section on drawing the commissioner and giving her attributes she needs, and ironically the other L4 also broke for lunch at exactly the same place.

I marked up the commissioners book with tabs relating to the topic, so I could indicate the page references as we covered the different sections (it really needs a contents page). I also laminated the discussion sheets for the activities and used non permanent pens  so they could be wiped clean and used again. I need to do more work moving the slides around as in places they don't match the training plan very well (I had already deleted several) but feels like the slides were produced by a different person to the training plan! I had struggled to mark up the training plan with the slide numbers and the page references from the commissioners book to begin with.

The section on managing information needs some extra work to fit in line with the wealth of GDPR guidance that is out there now. I also wove in Being Prepared, Girls attitude survey (not many present knew it existed, GDPR Guiding Conversation and the new checklists (again barely anyone was aware of them).

They were a really participative audience and asked lots of questions; I fitted in all the activities this time but I needed more mint humbugs as one packet wasn't enough!

Better once the room was turned 180 degrees

Lovely idea for a Trainers gift

Examples of the attributes required by a commissioner!


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