Sunday 25 November 2018

2018 Trainers Support Group

I attended the annual 3 counties Trainers Support Group this week over in Swindon. It's always a good experience to hear that trainers right across the Region are having the same issues. The topics that we discussed included:
  • the new  programme - Girl Guiding appears to becoming slightly more relaxed to some of our questions than they were earlier in the year, especially in relation to achieving interest badges!
  • Safe Space - a discussion around L4 and how the failure to undertake the training by 2020 will be administered. NB Mentors must have L3 now.
  • Trainers Required - for a county event in 2019 were found.
  • Trainer Renewals - we had a very heated debate about the rationale behind the role visit; and what the current rules are for renewal.
  • More new resources - new checklists and GDPR resources.
It was good to see 2 new prospective trainers and as always to meet some old friends, and we all have a new line for our PDP's. Next year we have decided to meet in the Summer to travel in daylight hours and avoid the fog.


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