Friday 31 August 2018

Programme Planning Template

Week commencing
Activities planned
Themes covered

Week 1


Discover the new programme activity from guiding magazine                  

Girls choosing unit meeting activities using dice from the guiding magazine                                            

Patrol time – what interest badges are you interested in trying?               

Promise activities

30 mins

20 mins

15 mins

15 mins
Know Myself
Express Myself  
Be Well
Have adventures
Take Action
Skills For My Future
(tick themes as appropriate)
Week 1 extract from the template Programme Planner which can be found at: . I'm using this one to start with, so I can use it to illustrate points in new programme trainings. There is also a template for a weekly record sheet to record individual girls progress during the unit meeting that can then be registered on GO at a later opportunity. Although not strictly in the plan for the awareness trainings,I think leaders will have concerns on how to record, so will need to be able to re-assure them there are processes in place.

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