Saturday 30 June 2018

The hotest training I have ever delivered!

Safe Space Level 3

I have never delivered a training so late in the school year, nor in such high temperatures - it was 29 degrees when I left Gloucester at lunch time today. I also beat my record for youngest attendee at 11 weeks old, he was gorgeous and slept through most of the training, only waking up at the end. I can deliver L3 in my sleep now, and it was an experienced group of Leaders so there was lots of good experience to share.

I was able to use my own IT and my VGA Adapter saved the day allowing me to connect my laptop to the church Projector -they had a wall mounted pull down projector screen - how lush is that! I think all trainers should be issued with a VGA adaptor - mine only cost £5-£6 and it has saved my life so many times already.

The training went smoothly - the only notable issue being in relation to the EastEnders like scenario, where the leader is pregnant by another leaders husband. This is the first time the leaders thought it was nothing to do with GG and that it was completely wrong to have to consult GG!

That's me finished training now for this school year I'm going to concentrate on my PDP for the next few weeks and get caught up with my badge blanket sewing.


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