Tuesday 26 June 2018

Getting Ready for the New Programme Training Plan

Saturday was the first time I had used the revised change management training plan and I was amazed how closely the training followed the plan. I didn't like the "Communication technology changes" ice breaker so I changed it for a reflection exercise as leaders had experienced the new programme pilot trainings in the morning so they were already in the right zone to reflect! They did comment the image in the top right of the slide which I believe is a wi-fi man in a deck chair looked like a chicken! The links from the official ice-breaker are a bit weak to say the least.

I also inserted a slide with the Kubler Ross Change curve as the rest of the training is based on that theory and if you don't explain the theory its difficult to make it all stick together. We didn't play the snakes & ladders game but leaders spent a few minutes recording the cons (snakes) and a positive response (ladders). Because the numbers were on the low side, only 7 leaders, it was easy to get discussion going and there was a lot of experience in the room to share, when it came to seeing change through someone else's eyes. We ran out of time to do the resistance & potential solutions fully - we did talk about some but not to the extent the training plan suggests.

Leaders had been honest at the start in that they were looking for a way to return to their units/districts and be able to sell the new programme to them. We were able to take the time at the end to reflect on how they could use the lessons we had just discussed when they got back home.

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