Wednesday 9 May 2018

Hooray for GDPR resources

If you don't already subscribe to the Discover & grow newsletter - you should. Below is an extract from this weeks newsletter published this evening: 

We're developing resources to help you get ready for GDPR

ChecklistOur checklist includes all the actions you need to take to get ready for GDPR
GDPR information
Find all the information you need so far
Keeping information safe
Our leaflet tells you what you need to know about data protection and handy dos and dont's
Handling personal data
Follow these procedures to make sure you're handling personal data appropriately. 
Managing information policyOur policy setting out how we collect and use information appropriately and store it safely.
Reporting a data breach procedure
What to do if personal data has been lost, stolen or shared inappropriately.
Personal data requests procedure
What to do if you receive a request about a person’s personal data we are using.
Check out the FAQ's too, highlights include:
  • If a parent refuses to have their details stored in GO they would have to withdraw their daughters membership.
  • No more yearly consent forms but termly ones are ok as long as activities and dates are kept up to date.
  • Data breaches should be reported within 48 hours
  • Starting section forms changing to allow you to keep part of the form with parents signature
  • A home contact must be a member of GG now.
  • Starting section forms are being amended to include new photo consents from May 2018 and remember photo consent finishes when the girl leaves the unit, you can still keep photos for archives but not to use publicly.
  • There are guidelines being developed on using Slack, Dropbox, Eventbrite, Survey monkey etc
  •  Commissioners are responsible for ensuring volunteers know about data protection guidance we all must comply with the Code of Conduct.
  • Health Care Plans can not be left in meeting place cupboards, if they can be accessed by anyone outside of GG.

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