Sunday 13 May 2018

An Assessor for Guiding I thought I'd be .....

Following the arrival of the Level 4 Safe Space materials this week I decided to have a sort out of my trainers box and came across this neatly produced on a Guide Association Unit Overview form by J Walker and assessed by A Record on 14.6.02!

An Assessor for Guiding I thought I'd be,
Achieve a D32 and a D33,
My candidates train Guides, Brownies too,
They plan, make resources help train the new,
A portfolio they must make,
Containing witness statements, evaluations, observations, a piece of cake,
For Guider such as those assessed
The competence level must be the best,
Kate, June & Ann excel in training,
To complete the Qualification they are obtaining,
I question, observe, advise, report,
And am always there for support,
OCR the standards set
As an Assessor I ensure they are met,
Throw nothing away that's what they are told,
E-mail, letters, session plan worth there weight in gold,
The portfolio is complete and they have done their best,
To the Internal Verifier for the first test,
The date approaches, the EV attends
The certificate of achievement CHQ sends,
A unit complete hooray, hooray,
Congratulations to all, its made my day.

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