Saturday 28 April 2018

Pilot new programme training

I'm not going to say too much because it was a pilot training plan so I expect changes to be made to the final version. I was doing Skills Builders  & Unit Meeting Activities, UMA's. It was supposed to be a 45 min session, and even with Bev covering a lot of the factual content in her morning session at the Trainers conference, more time was required. (It would have been useful to have some examples of a Skills Builder to show).
I am starting to see where the dots join on the new programme, but only because I have looked closely at the 3 training plans we have up to now. One activity to encourage leaders to focus on the challenges of skills builders & UMA's was to ask them to use a paper aeroplane to record the issues then fly them to the next group to come up with some answers. This worked well, but because of the duplication on the planes next time, I will use the other idea which is bunting. There was potentially lots of discussion which I had to cut short, as usual trainers had a mountain of ideas to get round some of the challenges raised. The most recurring ones were:

  1. Cost
  2. Judging the girls ability for the starting skill level
  3. Implementing several activities at once in a meeting
  4. Encouraging girls to make a skills builder choice
I brought along with me the girl decision making resources, but other than mentioning them, I didn't get chance to focus on how they could be used with the new programme. I also loaned out Participation on a Plate and didn't get it back so need a new copy for next time.

I haven't yet figured out how the training plans for the new programme could be fitted together, as there is too much discussion to be had if they are all added into one training. However delivering them individually will take too long - what could be done to make each plan have its own identity?

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