Sunday 8 April 2018

Growth Mindset for the new programme

It's been a slow read but I'm just about coming to the end - there has been a lot of repetition which has been one of the problems for me. As well as a lot of the ancedotes being from various USA team sports. However it strikes me we could learn some lessons in selling the new programme to leaders at trainings. I've already heard it said its "very like the Scouts programme" and "this is how the guide programme used to be years ago on cards in a box".

How could we harness the growth mindset that Carol Dweck talks about to support leaders to foster learning and nurture the resilience for their girls to be successful with the new programme? Could we include the drivers for change for the programme and what it means for the girl of the future rather than just focussing on the changes? The Sunday papers, today, have carried a story about how the workforce of the future will have to re-train in their lives because of the changing nature of work and the increased length of time they will be expected to work. Should we be selling the skills builders and revised awards structure as preparation for these challenges in support of the changes? I challenge you to consider how you could build the growth mindset into your next training plan?
Mindset - Updated Edition: Changing The Way You think To Fulfil Your Potential
Paperback £10.99 - never really drops in price on Kindle

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