Friday 30 March 2018


I joined in with a webinar yesterday a competitor to E-lectra called Zoom its a USA company really easy to use. I downloaded the software a few days before and tested the link to make sure it worked. I joined in the webinar with only 4 minutes to spare by clicking on the link in the email, but another 8 joined after me! There were 23 participants in total and after an intro in which we were told it would be recorded, the presenter form Sunderland university switched to her power point presentation. It was easy to move the image of the presenter around the screen to read the slides, and the chat button at the bottom counted up as questions were asked. The host dealt with the questions stopping at the 30 minute mark and 50 minute mark to work through the questions by reading them out- useful as it gave the university presenter a break. Several of the questions were already answered by the slides to come at the half way point.
Ideally I would like a copy of the slides (they included a really good example of a graphical annual report) they are going to be posted alongside the recording at some point in the future.
This electronic classroom technology is so easy to use got to be the way forward for some topics.

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