Sunday 18 March 2018

Reflect on Safe Space just out of Region in Worcestershire

Yesterday was the first Level 3 I have done out of Region - only just though, 45 miles up the M5 in Worcestershire. Finally the Commissioners Day went ahead at the second attempt as the first one was snowed off, so that gave me something new to add to my risk assessment! Despite checking the post code with the hotel and being assured I should use the one on their web site, I still ended up on a housing estate in site of the hotel! However I had left plenty of time (to get the IT working) so it was no hassle.

I did have every sympathy with the County but in an attempt to start & finish Safe Space training so they could do other business in the pm, they had taken an alternative room in the hotel. Aptly called the Library, but maybe snug would have been a better description! If we had waited for breakfast to finish and the original room to be set up for us, it would have been a much later start so I think it was the right call. However, I had 14 leaders, a projector and a screen in a room so small that we had to move 2 chairs to close the door! Everyone had to file out and in again in the correct order and go to the loo at the same time! That meant the room was very hot very quickly and opening the window blasted the 2 leaders sat in front of it. (Another new one for the risk assessment).

I had to adapt the first activity so we made 6 piles at the front and passed the cards along the line to sit on the correct "team" card and this really impacted on the effectiveness of the activity as it restricted the amount of interaction. I was uncomfortable, as I was perched in the corner and had to stack the activities literally in a pile so I could use them, once used put them straight into my bag to get rid of them!

The IT was fine as I was able to use my own laptop, plugged into the Counties projector, using the hotel's screen & extension cable which I tucked under the table. As everyone had to go out in a crocodile nobody came round the front so no chance of tripping.We had to take an early coffee break at 11am, as the coffee was being laid out in the large function room where a group of Commissioners the same size were doing Safe Space Levels 1 & 2 so we couldn't disturb them later on, and they finished before us. We were very envious of them in the cooler room but after the break I was able to get the pace going, and along with it, the interaction started to come. As Commissioners they had a great deal of experience to share and that helped tremendously, and I was only a few minutes late finishing, but had to adapt the feedback from the barriers to disclosure exercise to make up some of the lost time.

I was keen to enjoy the buffet lunch, this training makes me so hunger, then get the 45 miles back down the M5, to my home, through the flurries of snow. Lovely venue - why do commissioners get to train in such lovely surroundings and with home made warm shortbread?
Looking at the photo today - how did I manage to get 14 commissioners in here?

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