Sunday 21 January 2018

More Reflections on new Safe Space

Down in Hampshire North and we were really well looked after. This time thoughts include:

Logistics - there was no register for each room, I gather because the list from Region was sent as alphabetical order not by class room, the instructions for evacuation was to leave through the fire door and gather in alphabetical order on the field! This meant the trainers had to sign all of the certificates and just see which ones were left after the session. Felt wrong not having a list of everyone present. Some Leaders thought they finished at 4pm so were surprised when I sent them on a coffee break which meant lots of frantic texts for them to sort out arrangements. The cake sale Q caused some late returners for the morning session.
Furniture - even though it had been arranged in a horseshoe I re-arranged back to 4 groups of 5 around tables it really gets discussion going, the mints are really handy and gives them somewhere to write. I also think it's handy to show this is a special training unique to a programme one.
IT - drove me crazy. The 1st classroom the projector didn't display the whole page so after I had re-arranged the furniture I had to move to a new classroom. I would rather use my own laptop as I had to put my USB stick into the schools computer which every 15 minutes of no activity shut down with my USB still in the drive. Hope the USB is not damaged and I'm going to have to check it again for viruses - its a real pain.
Temperature - the heating came alive for the afternoon session and morning wasn't as cold as last time.
Level 2 Worksheets - there was some confusion over the worksheets and in the end they were all collected in and the trainers didn't signed them. I was amazed at lunch time between the trainers the different interpretation of the refresher exercise on risk assessments we had all been asked to do!
Activities - I exchanged one activity "What next" for "Helpful or not" and by omitting the similar scenarios from "What would you do?" got a handle on the duplication.  I will stick with that arrangement going forward.
Flowchart - got questioned as the top row of boxes are not linked to the rest of the flow chart! Even the social worker present didn't know what the mysterious line in the box means!
FAQ's - there is a need for some FAQ's to answer the teacher and social worker questions with a consistent answer. Especially why do teachers  need to do this now and from the leader who was a school Safe Guarding Lead can I tell the school head if it concerns a child at my school?

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