Sunday 17 December 2017

WAGGGS World Thinking Day 2018 - Go outside to make an impact

World Thinking Day 2018 is completing this triennium theme, by celebrating the Impact that the Movement has on the lives of our members and their communities.  For the first time ever, the World Thinking Day challenge will become a global mosaic of change-making ambassadors!
Why a mosaic? When small pieces (such as our individual changes) are positioned in the right way, they create one complete image: the bigger impact we create together!

Don’t forget to buy your World Thinking Day badges from the WAGGGS online shop at
Do you know what shape we get if we add the four elements from the sections of this year’s World Thinking Day pack? It’s our World Trefoil! You can use the parts as pieces of a puzzle and each time the group completes a section they earn a piece. Once they complete all four sections they can create the World Trefoil! Learn what the parts symbolize here:
Our World Thinking Day 2018 mosaic has four parts:
1. The Flame [pages 9-17] is the spark that inspires us to bring change.
2. Two Stars [pages 18-27] are shining bright and equip us with the skills and knowledge we need.
3. The Compass [pages 28-35 leads the way in order to make change happen.
4. The Trefoil leaves [pages 36-38] are giving shape to mark our impact.
Go Outside! Hold the activities somewhere outdoors in your neighbourhood or among nature.
Make an Impact! Understand the power you have to bring positive change. Choose and complete one activity from each of the three sections: flame, two stars and the compass.
Leave your mark: #ThisIsImpact! How is your group leaving a positive mark in your neighbourhood? Capture this impact and share it with WAGGGS to create one global Impact mosaic!

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