Monday 30 October 2017

New e-learning Safe Space module 1

Looks good and module 1 only takes 15 minutes then another 25 to try and print the certificate before giving up! Module 1 is made up of 3 x 5 minute units and it is wonderful to see the Volunteer Code of Conduct taking centre stage and being written so it means something that leaders and parents can understand. Another new addition is Survey Monkey at the end so you can record your details for adding to your Go record and give feedback on the e-learning itself. Shame its all spoilt by how difficult it is to print the certificate.

As prep for delivering the new content in January seems only right to have completed the e-learning modules myself.

Tuesday 17 October 2017


I've mentioned this book before, but I've just read chapter 8 which is all about the role of storytelling and seems particularly relevant for trainers. Hilary Scarlett promotes visual communication as an efficient way of taking in and remembering information - do we apply that concept enough in our trainings?

Our brains like stories and they enable us to develop our social skills and test out new scenarios and how best to respond to them. We experience the story with the storyteller. Stories are more memorable than a list of bullet points and stories can be very persuasive. How can you build storytelling into your next training?

ISBN 978074947881 Kogan Page

Monday 16 October 2017

Volunteer Code of Conduct Revision

Search for "Volunteer Code of Conduct" just searching for "code of conduct" doesn't retrieve it. Notice the new clause about re-reading the policies and procedures. There is also a link to sanctions off this webpage - good to see them written down at last.

As a Girlguiding volunteer you must always:

be a good role model with behaviour and an attitude that are in line with our values and the Promise

comply with all applicable UK laws and guidance. If your unit is based outside the UK or you are part of an activity outside the UK, you must also abide by the law of that country

make sure you follow Girlguiding policies and procedures and re-read them from time to time as they may be amended

be responsible and accountable in the way you perform your role

be fair and treat everyone with respect and dignity in accordance with our Equality and Diversity policy

respect others’ privacy in line with our policies and guidance 

communicate with others in an open and respectful way whether in person, by phone, writing or digital media

work together with Girlguiding members, their parents/carers and members of the public to promote Girlguiding's mission and values.

As a Girlguiding volunteer you must not act fraudulently or dishonestly, or do anything which brings (or is likely to bring) Girlguiding into disrepute or have a negative impact on Girlguiding or its reputation.

Supporting Leaders through change in Midlands Region

Midlands Region put on a wonderful Commissioners conference last weekend - I like training Commissioners they are so motivated and switched on really keen and well informed. I was doing the same training 3 times on supporting leaders through change. I had updated the Anglia change training from earlier in the year. I was surprised not many leaders were aware of the change to the code of conduct and the statement that we should all re-read the policies & guidance as it does change from time to time. There was also some that seemed to have missed out on the latest guiding magazine - apparently a box is really easy to untick on GO.

It was unusual to get the aim & objectives provided by the training organiser but in this instance the role is filled by a trainer and I think the benefits of that were evident throughout the preparation.
I was able to do Saturday's self evaluation straight after the meeting and I stopped at services on the way home on Sunday to do the 2 from Sunday - the 15 min break between sessions on the Sunday wasn't long enough to get set back up again and get a coffee from the machine. I was really grateful to the leader who recognised I needed one and brought me one a few minutes in.

The GG resources I used went down well - nobody had seen the Impact 2015 report and there was consternation that stress ted was being discontinued. We were talking about BOB and some leaders said they didn't know about the icons but then one pointed them out on the notebook above. There were still some who didn't recognise them. The air conditioning was a nightmare to control either all or nothing then the room heated up really quickly. The group work worked really well and they all bought into it with conversation being on topic. I abandoned the TED talk but passed on the reference with the power point.

I like the way the programme design goes through to the badge for the weekend - people really want badges for the camp blanket these days. The cloth thank you badge from the Region is a nice touch too. Fabulous wide game idea searching for stars but maybe the leaders who got stuck in the lift didn't think so! Gala dinner was lovely if a bit long between courses; really useful to hear updates from CHQ leads too.

I've updated my PDP and made a folder for module 5/6 for renewal in 3 years time.

Monday 9 October 2017

New Safe Space Resources

New Resources still in packaging

Wow think this is my Christmas holiday homework - the box arrived last weekend weighing 10kgs it's everything I need to deliver the new safe guarding training up to Level 3. The letter suggests laminating the game activities designed to be used more than once. It all looks really comprehensive but I reckon there is a few hours of work reading & selecting the activities for the training then laminating. My first training is 6th January 2018 so better get a move on.