Thursday 31 August 2017

Safe Space Upskilling

Just to complete the hat trick of forthcoming changes - the last event I attended of the last academic year was the Region upskilling training down in Salisbury at the end of July in order that I can deliver module 3 of the revised Safe Space Training. We were trained by the CHQ expert who was excellent and very responsive to our comments. There is a plan as to how roll out will happen in our region and the content of the modules themselves look very sensible this time - it was very evident how thorough the work has been and consideration this time has been given to the delivery of the training(s). Trainers receive the resources at the end of September, and I'm really looking forward to receiving my box, so I can get up to speed with how I will deliver the modules. (There are over 300 powerpoint slides to choose from we heard).

I now have 3 certificates telling me I'm upskilled for module 3 so it must be true!  Must add to my PDP .... can I do it 3 times?

Insights to managing change

I think this is a really good read for whatever change you are experiencing including all the forthcoming changes leaders will be experiencing. I haven't finished the book yet, but Hilary Scarlett talks a lot of common sense using science to explain what is happening in the brain when faced with the challenge of change. The author is a supporter of mindfulness and she really makes a lot of sense when she talks about helping people to talk even if the only message is that there is no news yet. If you get the chance read chapter 6 on Managing emotions during change - this is one for any trainers PDP but not cheap to buy. I've been watching on Kindle and the price hasn't decreased so I've resorted to borrowing in this instance. Check it out.

New Programme ..... exciting!!!

Taster activities for the new programme

It seems a bit more real now to finally see some activities printed on indestructible glossy colourful paper. Includes activities for Brownies with matches & a hammer (not in the same activity) can't wait to try them and train on them!

Wednesday 30 August 2017


A lovely resource from South West Region based on the song head shoulders knees & toes. We used the activities to fill in at brownie meetings - the pony racing went down a real storm (we used pencils as jumps), and we all struggled with the origami boat making (our Duke of Edinburgh volunteers saved the day with their smart phones)!
I have used the resource in a brownie training, and whilst there was agreement that not much of it was new, it was nicely re-packaged. It comes with an invitation to send in a video of the girls doing the song & activities.
The resource costs £6 and all 5 badges together cost £2.50,or individually 60p each. The badges are really cute but a pain to sew!
  Certainly worth adding to your resource collection.