Thursday 19 January 2017

Delivery makes all the difference!

I recently had a conversation with a fellow trainer about the ethics involved with having an observation on a training delivered using one of the Region produced training plans. I believe the Region training plans are an attempt to ensure consistency & quality in trainings delivered by different trainers. Personally I can't see a problem in using one of these trainings, after all it is the delivery which is relevant for the observation. For example the observer is looking at:
  • room layout
  • interaction with the leaders
  • quality of the learning outcomes
  • knowledge and portrayal of GG policy
  • suitability of the resources provided to support the learning
  • relevance & methodology of any group work
  • inclusivity of the learners
  • treatment of challenging behaviours
this was illustrated for me this week at work when a colleague attended a course I had attended 18 months ago. It was obviously the same content that had been delivered - we compared the workbooks which were identical, however I had experienced a very different delivery and came away feeling positive. My colleague had not had quite such a positive experience which started before the course even commenced, and this was reflected in her feedback! Delivery is everything.

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