Friday 28 October 2016

Post Safe Space Training again

An opportunity arose to train in another county in SW Region down in Cornwall. The venue was a combined church and village hall type space renovated with lottery money. The training was in the church straight after Rainbows with the Guides playing games next door in the community space - the church was very cold. There were 8 Leaders including 2 brand new ones who hadn't received their LQ books yet, however 1 had previously been a brownie leader and interjected with some relevant examples.

This is the first training I have done with the revised training plan; and it was really useful having the slide numbers on the plan to refer to throughout the training. I stuck remarkably to the training plan with hardly any rabbit holes this time - the hardest part was covering cyber bullying as this particular group of leaders had virtually no experience of cyber bullying. I got the feeling that the local community doesn't receive as many new families as we have in Glos (there was a story of a brownie who came once, but her family were unable to read or complete the Starting Brownies leaflet as they did not understand English).

The leaders were unsure of their county policy on reporting issues of concern and the DC who was present at the training said she was going to raise the requirement for a policy at the next county meeting and feed back to Leaders.

There was lots of interjection from the participants and the 3 hours went quickly but the lack of examples from them meant we were able to cover everything in the plan.

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