Saturday 29 October 2016

Pictures from inset week trainings

The resources used for inset week were:
  • Rustle, Bustle & Squeak from SW Region
  • Splosh & splat challenge from 17th Gloucester (Salvation Army)
  • Beatrix Potter Challenge from North West England
  • Whatever the Weather Challenge from Welshpool Brownies - this was the badge leaders earned at the end of the night after doing 6 challenges.
Here are a few photos taken at the first Inset training:

The bundle of resources covered in the evening as a lottery prize at the end of the evening - thanks to SW Region for donating multiple copies of Rustle, Bustle & Squeak.

Adaption on the bug hotel from the Beatrix Potter challenge (Taking it further) to enable the bottle to be left outside and not get wet and soggy!

Origami fish tank from Rustle, Bustle & Squeak

I love the pink mini paddling pool used to display the boat & raft building from Rustle, Bustle & Squeak.

This is the ice melt challenge from the Splosh & Splat Challenge - some sweets worked better than others and in fact the recommended type were the least nice to eat as they took in too much water!


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