Thursday 31 March 2016

Room 101 ice breaker

Room 101 template

Discovered this in the "Move On up!" Training on the GG UK website. Think it will be like the speed dating activity from the Good Guiding is .... training in that it could be adapted to a number of themes.

The idea is that each participant fills in a slip noting something of relevance to the training topic to be nominated to be put in Room 101. The trainer collects in the slips then picks out a number and asks the nominating leader to argue as to why the subject should be banished to Room 101. I think this could be a good way of exploring myths around the topic. The GG UK guidance is to control the time given to discussion as participants can easily get carried away. I am going to give it a try at the next County Day topic which is on Transitions between the Sections.

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