Friday 25 March 2016

eLecta Virtual Classroom

Finally managed to deliver my first virtual classroom as pat of the SW Region trial of eLecta. I've created a set of FAQ's to explain the use of the virtual classroom. The first training was too near to the publicity going live so had no takers so didn't happen. The second was on the Brownie Programme with one leader and I think would have been better if there had been another leader to mix the discussion  up a bit. The lone leader was a bit late logging on so I called her to suss out what was happening to discover her internet had crashed so we were a bit late starting whilst she logged on again. You really do need the headphones as there was a slight echo and I could hear her dog barking in the background.

I gave up on the Brownie Programme powerpoint and focussed on the lone leader and her issues and as a result opened the microphone so that we could talk. So I hope the next session, which is on the theory for module 1 of the LQ has a few more participants to make it feel more like a real training, and to see what other lessons can be learned. The classroom itself is really easy to use but it does need some explanation to get going.

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