Saturday 9 January 2016

Post Safe Space

Ok so there really is a huge amount of content for 3 hours - some crazy leader actually wrote on the feedback form that she wanted longer to be able to have more discussion on individual items! The feedback forms are a bit flawed as they ask how much you enjoyed the content! It proved really useful to have some experienced Leaders who had insights to share. Likewise the young (er) Leaders were able to share a great deal around social media and cyber bullying.

We did use the participants booklets during the training and only 1 out of 12 had printed the booklet to bring to the training. I told everybody to let their DC know they had attended (as well as giving out the certificates) so that GO! could be updated but it turns out that there is someone at County who is happy to receive lists for updating GO!. The recommendation is for a maximum of 15 leaders per session and I can see why as bigger groups would have very little opportunity to input to discussion.
I used some of the slides from the power point training to laminate for demo purposes as I didn't get enough time to borrow a projector and screen

Most of the photocopies were given out so I can see more time on the photocopier - yet more responsibility and expense for the trainer!

It is a good training to deliver.

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