Sunday 3 January 2016

Before Safe Space Training

Happy New Year

Spent today doing preparation for next weeks Safe Space training - there was a lot of photocopying and some laminating required:
  • some reference copies of the participants hand out
  • feedback forms
  • participant certificates
  • what would you do quiz
  • blank risk assessment templates
  • types of abuse hand out
  • GG UK policies to point at
  • web safety codes for each section
  • cards for code of conduct game
  • scenario cards
  • "A safe Cyberspace"
  • "Be Prepared!"
I decided I needed to have the last 2 so I could wave them at those leaders who don't have access to the members part of the website yet. There is a huge amount of information to cover in 3 hours - hope it doesn't frighten the younger leaders. I will do an evaluation after the training.

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