Wednesday 6 August 2014

"Good Guiding is ......."

My "Good Guiding is ....." Flower
I really like the idea of "Good Guiding is ...." its just a way to communicate the 10 effective methods to get a balanced and varied programme. Now I have done an entire training on just the methodology itself I will aim to incorporate it into as many of my trainings as possible. It's not new (I have trained on it before back in 2010) but the revised version is improved with more examples & space provided to fill in.

However what is missing is a way for leaders to capture their intent on one page, the official resource has blobs on several pages but to use that in a training just gives too many ideas away in one go, and its a lot of photocopying for a big group. Hence my flower opposite - each leader is given a blank version to complete as we progress through the training. It's a lovely way to add in other GG UK resources as a way to support some of the 10 steps e.g fun in the programme. It's also a good topic to use with a mixed bunch of new and experienced leaders in the same training.

The real success of the training was the blind date game I used as a review activity - getting the leaders to share what they will take back to their unit to demonstrate "Good Guiding is .....". The activity created a huge buzz and I could have kept it going for a lot longer. It's recommended in the trainers notes for "Good Guiding is ...." on the website.

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