Monday 9 September 2019

A Safe Space Level 4 self evaluation

Wow what a week of guiding - if I added up the prep to the delivery and writing up time this weekend, I have done another 37 hour week on top of the real job I get paid for!

The Level 4 was a Region catch-up day, made slightly more difficult because the national update on ASS arrived in my inbox the evening before the training so there was 3 pages of densely packed text to read and assimilate the night before the training, (and it didn't even include the changes to the Volunteer Code of Conduct), good job I had picked tht up already.

I had been told to prepare for 20 DC's but on the day there was only 9, which was ok, as that meant less scenarios allowing for more conversation, and ultimately more learning outcomes at the training. We couldn't use the laptops in the school, which was all networked - using the USB was easy but the drawback was that I couldn't plug in my clicker which meant I had to keep going back to the corner of the classroom.

As well as going through the relevant changes emailed the night before, I had amended the training to include:
  • DYB Poster & checklists
  • Girls Attitude survey (which were brand new to some of the DC's)
  • the scenarios from the GDPR training in place of the slides, to re-enforce the learning (they took them over coffee to discuss) 
  • the revised guidance notes for the programme
  • the honest discussion template from the Girl Guiding website 
I can't fault the level of participation, they really enjoyed working through the scenarios. The only complaint appeared to be that they hadn't received the e-version of the commissioners book before the training. However, the local CC pulled out the stops and found the Trading order number by lunch time, which made everyone happy.

I really enjoyed the training, but as I had car shared I had to kill 90 mins waiting for the Level 3 training to end,

which added to an already long week.

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