Monday 26 August 2019

Moving up a Section

Another update from the Trainers Conference and now available online. It's been updated (June 2019) and renamed slightly to incorporate the new programme and as well as focussing on the how to use UMA's, Skills Builders & Section Gold Awards to move up a section. There are pages covering communications with leaders/units, parents & girls. As well as a brief outline of how to do unit transfers on GO, there are 2 appendices with draft letters for parents & girls.
The supporting Trainers notes provide a loose session plan with updated figures for a corners game:

9% of Rainbows do not move to Brownies
40% of Brownies don't move to Guides
74% of Guides don't move to Rangers
61% of Rangers don't become Leaders.

Find them at there are also individual factsheets for each section.

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